Hello there! My name is Gideon J. Gallegos-Sanchez.
I guess this is the place to sell you on why I am the photographer for you! How I can give you the most amazing photos at an outrageously affordable price and all you need to do is click that Contact us page right now!
But I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm going to take a moment to talk about something else.
As a kid, I was obsessed with Spider-Man. I mean, who wouldn't be? The powers, the webs, the costume! Everything a kid wants to be, right there in the pages of the comics. However, even as a kid, I was always drawn more towards the side of Peter Parker. Peter Parker - the meek Photographer for the Daily Bugle, who has all of the power and yet all of the responsibility to use that power for good. --------------------------------------------------------------
Now what does all this have to do with Photography?
It was that very concept of Peter Parker that led to me getting my first camera. A Fujifilm FinePix S4500. I still have it to this day. I thought if I wasn't able to swing from building to building or lift cars, I would try my hand at taking some photos like our "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man". A few landscapes here, some candid portraits there. A new camera one year, a new lens the next. A continuous path culminating in my eventual interest in portraiture.
Over my 8+ years of professional photography, I've been blessed to witness just how big of an impact this work has on my clients lives. And although I'm not exactly swinging from building to building or lifting cars, I take immense pride in capturing the moments that are most important to my clients, knowing I have the ability and dedication to do so. Whether it's your big Wedding Day or your Highschool Graduation, you can trust that I will take care of you every step of the way, allowing you to cherish those memories for years to come.
Please feel free to reach out via the contact page or shooting me a message via Instagram! I look forward to hearing from you. - G. S.